Earth Day 51

Feeling moons away, our country continues to search for solidarity to become a united front, but there is a day, in particular, worth focusing our efforts: Earth Day 51. In a time of such confusion and frustration amidst the pandemic, Earth Day is just what we need to ground us as a global community. It signals us to remember what’s important - to raise awareness of climate change and to engage in the crucial conversations that will make the necessary impact. It is a day of praising our beautiful, diverse, and epic world. And April 22, 2021 could not come at a more perfect time, uniting us in a cause worth fighting for - to protect our environment, which we all call home.

While most Earth Day 2021 “clean-up” activities will be virtual discussions rather than hands-on action, it is important for everyone to participate in one way or another. Thinking back to this time last year, when our world and everyday lives were put on hold, it was amazing and astonishing just what positive impact – perhaps the silver lining – the pandemic had on water quality, air pollution, and the environment. Michael Gerrard, an environmental law expert at Columbia University, put it simply when he said, “It’s the worst possible way to experience environment improvement and it has also shown us the size of the task.” It is our civic duty as a visitor on this Earth to take time to appreciate the world around us, but to also be aware that it is up to us to make sustainable changes for our children, neighbors, and those to follow. Whether it’s limiting your use of electricity in your home, taking a shorter shower, or focusing on recycling - these adjustments to our everyday routines ultimately contribute to making a larger impact.


We celebrate the work of our clients, positive changemakers by land and by sea, in connection with our environment. Collectively, we understand that through sustainable sourcing, coastal restoration, recycling and composting, and many more smart practices, that going green in the hospitality industry positively affects our environment. It’s humbling and eye opening to see how every change makes a real difference, and it’s the dedication to enacting these changes that makes the work of our clients that much more inspiring.

Here at simoneink, our office is an environmentally friendly space with bamboo floors, strong recycling practices, and large windows to replace air conditioning on most days in the spring and summer. Our office is conditioned to have its eye on protecting the future. We only have one Earth, and we cannot take it for granted! So, respect the mission of Earth Day 51, and aspire to make a brighter, cleaner, and greener future for the generations ahead.

Below are some stories from writers we admire from across the globe sharing the impact of travel, and food tips and tricks to sustainable, eco-friendly travel and dining!

The Biggest Sustainable Travel Breakthroughs From The Past 50 Years | Conde Nast Traveler - Juliet Kinsman

How to Start Composting This Earth Day | Southern Living - Melissa Locker

10 Planet-Friendly Wines to Drink On Earth Day | Food & Wine - Markham Heid

How Travel Has Evolved in the 50 Years Since the First Earth Day | Conde Nast Traveler - Ali Wunderman

The Fascinating History Behind Why We Celebrate Earth Day | Travel + Leisure - Cailey Rizzo

7 Travel Stories to Help You Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day | The New York Times

The Sustainability Terms You Need to Know for Earth Day and Beyond | Vogue - Emily Chan

Earth Day 2021: 60 Everyday Switches To Make | Conde Nast Traveler - Juliet Kinsman
